January 2018 – SAN DIEGO, CA – Gamma Scientific announces the release of its SpectralLED® RS-7-SWIR platform. The product line incorporates 9 short-wave infrared wavelengths for synthesis of commercially available light sources or based on spectra that you import.
The product line features a spectral range from 900 to 1,700 nm with illumination stability greater than 99.99% across its 75mm output port. The illumination accuracy is NIST traceable to better than ± 3% with full scale linearity better than 0.1% RMS. Through its 16-bit DAC current drivers, users can achieve up to 5 decades of dynamic range adjustment with a spectral accuracy greater than ± 2.5 nm. The firmware includes full spectral calibration with spectral fitting, preset storage and real-time optical feedback.
Options include fiber optic light delivery, wafer probe illumination configuration, baffle tube output and a wide field of view configuration. Exceptionally well-suited for calibration and testing of night vision sensors, remote sensing sensors and industrial monitoring equipment, the system allows determination of quantum efficiency, spatial non-uniformity, pixel defects, crosstalk, responsivity, linearity and sensitivity.