The Gamma Scientific range of light meters includes handheld and benchtop models. Configuration options include a wide range of sensors and calibrations in units including: Luminous Flux (lumens) or Radiant Flux (Watts), Illuminance (lux, foot-candle) or Irradiance (W/cm2 ), Luminous Intensity (candela) or Radiant Intensity (W/sr), Luminance (cd/m2 , foot-Lambert) or Radiance (W/m2 sr), or Pulse Energy (Joules). Cooled sensors and reference standard detectors are also available.
Our wide range of optical meters, photometric and radiometric sensors is complemented by ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation by NVLAP (NVLAP lab code 200823-0), resulting in unmatched performance and custom configuration as required.