Considerations When Choosing Display Measurement Systems
There are a few considerations to make when choosing display measurement systems. Explore some of them here so that you can make an informed selection.

3 Benefits of Using a Tunable Light Source
Explore some of the various benefits of using a tunable light source. You might be surprised by how much this lighting option can do for your business.

The Importance of Augmented Reality Display Testing
Join us in a brief exploration of the importance of virtual reality display testing. Discover how it continues to improve this incredible technology.

What Is Photonics and How Exactly Does It Work?
Explore what photonics is and how exactly it works to uncover how this fascinating science continues to revolutionize various industries across the board.

The Difference Between Luminance and Brightness
Photographers can benefit immensely from understanding the differences between luminance and brightness when it comes to light sources and photography.

How Does an Image Sensor Work in Cameras?
Learn about how image sensors work in cameras. Moreover, discover why they’re important and the true benefits behind these tiny pieces of equipment.

The Key Differences Between AR and VR
Explore the differences between AR and VR technology. Moreover, discover why understanding these distinctions contributes to AR and VR’s continued advancement.

What Are Image Sensors and How We Use Them
Discover what image sensors are and how we use them in our everyday lives to uncover the incredible way they’ve revolutionized imaging technology.

Cinematic Applications: LED Lighting for Modern Film Sets
LED lighting is playing a major role in modern filmmaking. Explore the cinematic applications of these lighting options and see what they’re doing for film.

How Near-Eye Display Testing Replicates Human Vision and Why
Delve into how near-eye display testing is evolving to replicate human vision, why testers are trying to mimic human optics, and the challenges they’re facing.

The Properties and Applications of Photonic Crystals
The properties and applications of photonic crystals are fascinating. Discover what these crystals are and all they can do in this brief guide.

The Role of Display Measurement in Virtual Reality Headsets
VR technology continues to advance, and display measurement plays a major role. Explore this testing process and its contribution to a tech revolution.

The Technological Applications of Electromagnetic Waves
The technological applications of electromagnetic waves might surprise you. Discover how these waves have been weaving themselves into our lives for years.

The Importance of Accuracy and Repeatability in Light Measurement
Delve into the importance of accuracy and repeatability in light measurement and discover how these characteristics help with product quality and safety.

Understanding Differential and Absolute Photometry
Understanding differential and absolute photometry can give you the tools you need to ensure that all your LED lights are functioning correctly.

Maintaining and Calibrating Your Light Testing Equipment
Calibrating your light testing equipment is essential to accurate measurements. Read more about the maintenance process for these types of equipment here.

Understanding Constant Current and Constant Power Supply
Understanding constant current and constant power supply is key to your LED systems working efficiently. Sift through this quick overview to learn more.

Light Transmission vs. Transmittance: What’s the Difference?
Learn about light transmission vs. transmittance, the key differences, and how they help calculate the various ways light travels through materials.

Electromagnetic Spectrum 101: X-Rays
When you think of X-rays, you probably imagine a picture of bones hanging up in a doctor’s office. But X-rays do more than tell you your arm is broken.

Electromagnetic Spectrum 101: Gamma Rays
Continuing on with the next installment of Electromagnetic Spectrum 101, today we’re going to be discussing some of the basics of gamma rays.

Proper Lighting in the Medical Field and Why It Matters
In a medical environment, it goes without saying that you want your doctor to see well. But this isn’t the only advantage to proper lighting.

Electromagnetic Spectrum 101: Ultraviolet
We’ve all spent some time outside and come back in to notice that our skin has become noticeably darker. We accept it as part of life, but how does it happen?

Light Transmission in the Ocean and Other Bodies of Water
Understanding the behavior of rays of light as they pass through water can be instrumental in testing the capabilities of light equipment, marine or otherwise.

Electromagnetic Spectrum 101: The Visible Spectrum
After a brief sabbatical, Electromagnetic Spectrum 101 is back in session. We continue our series of closer—but not too close—looks at the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation with the middle of the continuum:

Electromagnetic Spectrum 101: Radio, Microwave, and Infrared
“Raging Martians Invaded Venus Using X-Ray Guns.” “Granddad Xavier Unfortunately Vomited In My Room.” Sounds like the premise of a science-fiction novel—along with something that could distract you while you’re

The Importance of Measuring LED Chromaticity
A light-emitting diode is more than a mechanism that simply turns on and off. Beyond simply emitting one kind of white light, LEDs have the capacity to shine in thousands

Why Vantablack is Able to Absorb 99.965% of Visible Light
Everyone knew the rockumentary-parody This Is Spinal Tap was a very funny movie. Nobody could have imagined the extent to which it would predict the future. Looking with bemusement over the all-black

Measuring Computer Monitor Brightness
In a world where screens are at our desks, in our pockets, and even in our beds, everyday civilians begin to take the specifications of those screens for granted. If

Angle Measurement in LED Testing
Thinking back to your third grade school supplies list, you may remember—among the familiar paper, pencils, and color-coded folders—a new tool: the protractor. This little half-circle stencil taught you some

The Tools You Need To Be a Cinematographer
Each of the three primary forms of visual storytelling can be said to “belong” to different people. Live theatre, in a sense, belongs to its actors, who perform on stage

How Photographers Measure LED Brightness
How Photographers Measure LED Brightness The advent of LED lighting has been a boon to photographers and videographers who’ve toiled under the sweltering heat of incandescent studio lights. Light-emitting diodes

A Beginner’s Guide to Photometry
If you work with cameras, displays, or anything with a light source, you’ll probably be interested in measuring that light. This is known as photometry, from the Greek for “light” and

The Environmental Benefits of LED Lights
Everyone has to take care of the earth to make it a healthy habitat for future generations. This task may seem daunting, but the reality is quite simple. You don’t

A Glossary of Laser Sensor Terminology
You probably come into contact with lasers more than you think. For example, lasers are commonly found in optical systems. At Gamma Scientific, for example, we do top-quality camera sensor calibration to

How Does an Optical Waveguide Work
The display measurement industry is full of high-tech gadgets. Devices like night vision goggles are gaining popularity in more industries. However, some lesser-known equipment is equally important. This article will

攝影 也許測光表最常見的用途是在攝影中。 測光表通過確定光線如何影響圖像,幫助這些專家獲得完美的拍攝效果。 入射測光錶測量落在被攝體上的光線。 因此,這些更適合肖像攝影。 相反,反射測光錶測量從主體反射的光。 這種設備最常被風景攝影師使用。 反射式測光錶可幫助專業人士和業餘愛好者了解環境將如何影響他們想要拍攝的鏡頭品質。 牙科和醫療領域 之前的博客文章討論了光度計在牙科中的作用。 牙醫使用固化燈來製造填充蛀牙的模具。 如果沒有測光表,這些固化燈就不可能開發出來。 測光表確保治療燈具有頂級品質,並確保患者安全。 同樣,醫生也使用測光表。 醫生和外科醫生經常使用頭燈來執行必要的程式。 這些設備使用測光表進行測試,以確保它們盡可能清晰。 那些從事醫學界的人需要一些事情是光明的,這樣他們才能看到他們在治療病人時在做什麼。 這些只是測光表的兩種不同應用。 事實上,許多行業都使用這些工具來確定光線如何影響他們的工作。 但是,在專業人士將這種設備掌握在手中之前,這些測光錶必須接受 測光錶校準服務。 幸運的是,這就是Gamma Scientific的用武之地。 我們擁有60年的經驗,我們銷售當今市場上最好的測試設備。 安全是我們的首要任務,我們希望我們的製造商能夠獲得最準確的結果。 欲瞭解更多資訊,請立即與我們聯繫。

Different Applications of Light Meters
Photography Perhaps the most common use of light meters is in photography. Light meters help these experts get the perfect shot by determining how light will affect the image. Incident

The Different Types of Light Measurement Instruments
We stare at screens all day long. Whether we’re watching TV or working on our computers, screens are part of our everyday life. However, not many of us understand the

在之前的博客文章中,我們已經討論了汽車行業和牙科領域如何使用LED。 這些只是開始認識到這種照明優勢的兩個行業的例子。 由於LED越來越受歡迎,因此每個進入市場的燈泡都必須符合政府標準。 這件作品將向您展示如何測量LED的強度,以確保一切都是安全的。 發光強度 許多製造商使用發光強度方法測量LED。 從本質上講,發光強度測量特定光的波長。 發光強度是使用每個固體坎德拉的流明來測量的。 您應該知道,這種替代方案並不是收集LED強度的最簡單方法,因為整個過程必須是精確的。 光線距離光源不得超過十英尺。 此外,LED燈必須均勻分佈。 因此,由於一切都必須如此精確,因此您應該研究其他測量方法。 光通量 光通量是收集強度的最常用方法,因為該過程更簡單。 光通量是指光源發出的功率量。 同樣,光必須均勻分佈才能工作。 製造商通常使用 光測量儀 被稱為積分球來實現這一目標。 球體是確定總通量的完美形狀,因為它為光均勻分佈提供了最佳環境。 顏色 如何測量LED強度的另一步是確定顏色。 某些行業希望他們的LED比其他行業更豐富多彩。 因此,確定每個LED是否盡可能亮至關重要。 分銷商可以用來簡化此任務的一個工具是可調光源。 Gamma Scientific的SpectralLED可調諧光源可以為多個光源(包括LED)生成任意光譜。 因此,這些工具可以説明您瞭解顏色如何影響燈光的總功率。 LED 是未來。 這些燈比白熾燈泡更耐用,而且更亮。 因此,您必須付出很多努力,以確保每個擊中支架的LED都符合規範。

How to Measure the Intensity of LEDs
In previous blog posts, we’ve discussed how the automotive industry and the field of dentistry are using LEDs. These are just two examples of trades that are beginning to recognize

顯示器測量行業非常複雜。 該領域的專家必須始終專注於鐳射,這樣他們就不會犯錯誤。 如果你曾經和這個行業的人交談過,你可能會對他們存儲在腦海中的所有資訊感到驚訝。 這些人非常瞭解光及其在我們日常生活中的用途。 專業人士還理解了輻射度與輻照度之間的差異。 本文將嘗試將這些差異放在外行的術語中,以便每個人,而不僅僅是專家,都可以理解它們。 什麼是光輝? 輻射度是指表面傳輸、反射或發射的功率量。 它是通過每個單位投影面積的每個立體角的單位功率來衡量的。 聽起來有點激烈,對吧? 不要讓科學術語嚇到你。 相反,想像一個足球場。 落在足球場上的光線將被測量為光輝。 在下一節中,我們將討論輻照度是什麼樣子的,以及為什麼它很重要。 輻照度呢? 輻照度是從光源接收的光。 因此,在足球場場景中,照射到球場上的燈泡將被測量為輻照度。 這裡有一個很好的觀點來討論距離。 輻照度隨著光源離表面越來越遠而降低。 回到足球場的情況,輻照度水平會相當低,因為光源離球場很遠。 本文概述了輻射度與輻照度之間的差異。 當分解成外行的術語時,這些概念並不難理解。 在這一點上,重要的是要注意如何衡量這些因素。 從本質上講,專家使用 可調光源 確定每個光源的功率以及它如何影響某些服務。 製造商在將燈投放市場之前必須對其進行測試,以確保它們符合所有政府標準。 Gamma Scientific為市場上的測試設備銷售優質的測試設備。 我們了解這些測量的重要性,我們希望盡自己的一份力量來保護每個人的安全。

Radiance vs. Irradiance: The Differences
The display measurement industry is incredibly complex. Experts in the field have to be laser-focused all the time, so they don’t make mistakes. If you’ve ever talked to someone in

A History of Lighting in Photography
It’s crazy to think about how far camera development has come. Nowadays, many of us can snap a photo with the click of a button. However, that wasn’t always the

近眼顯示器比人們想像的更常見。 這些設備用於增強現實系統和智慧眼鏡。 儘管這些工具在當今社會變得越來越流行,但大多數人都不瞭解它們是如何工作的。 本文將概述近眼顯示器的光學元件,以便人們更好地瞭解這些機制。 什麼是近眼顯示器? 近眼顯示器是人們安裝在頭上的 顯示器測量系統 。 那些努力想像這些工具是什麼樣子的人應該想到有人在玩VR視頻遊戲。 使用這項技術的人經常會誤解它像傳統的投影儀一樣工作 – 這個想法是不正確的。 如果將圖像放置在靠近人眼的螢幕上,則無法對焦。 相反,當使用近眼顯示器時,眼睛轉換來自瞳孔的光,在視網膜上創建圖像。 現在我們知道了什麼是近眼顯示器,就可以開始討論它們的元件了。 圖像產生器 用於近眼顯示器的第一個光學元件是圖像發生器。 圖像發生器的一個例子是發光二極體(LED)。 圖像生成器相對不言自明。 這些工具通過操縱人們看到的顏色和圖片的對比度,幫助操縱人們在使用近眼顯示器時看到的圖像。 光學合路器 必須注意的是,有兩種類型的近眼顯示器:沉浸式和增強型。 在談論光學聯合收割機時,這個細節至關重要。 沉浸式顯示器完全阻擋了某人的視線,使他們淹沒在虛擬實境中。 相比之下,增強的近眼顯示器不會阻擋一個人的完整視力,這意味著一些光線來自外部世界。 光學合路器的工作方式不同,具體取決於人們使用的近眼顯示器類型。 沉浸式光學合路器利用圖像發生器和成像光學元件的功率在使用者眼前呈現圖像。 通常,工具內有一個立方體形的分束器,將光分配到眼睛。 增強的近眼顯示器是不同的,因為它們從外部世界吸收光來創建圖片。 成像光學

Optical Components for Near-Eye Displays
Near-eye displays are more common than people think. These devices are used in augmented reality systems and smart glasses. Even though the tools are becoming more popular in today’s society,

汽車行業在不斷變化。 製造商試圖在他們創造的每個新模型中添加令人興奮的設計功能。 越來越多的車輛正在使用的一個較新的元素是LED照明套件。 閱讀本文后,您將更好地瞭解汽車行業為何改用LED燈以及此舉帶來的優勢。 安全 LED照明套件比傳統的汽車燈亮得多。 因此,對於經常在危險條件下駕駛的駕駛員來說,它們要安全得多。 例如,LED照明套件對於居住在惡劣天氣地區的人們來說可以派上用場。 LED照明套件是希望在夜間駕駛時確保駕駛員安全的卡車車隊擁有者的絕佳選擇。 駕駛員需要能夠清楚地看到事物,無論一天中的什麼時間。 耐久性 汽車行業改用LED燈的另一個原因是它們非常耐用。 傳統的前大燈往往會很快燒壞,這可能會危及某人在道路上的安全。 反覆更換大燈也可能代價高昂。 製造商已經注意到了這一點,並開發了比其他型號更耐用的LED照明功能。 對於尋找新車的買家來說,長壽是一個巨大的賣點。 多功能設計 除了更安全,更耐用之外,LED照明套件還可以作為汽車的獨特設計功能。 有幾種有趣的LED燈套件可以幫助汽車脫穎而出。 例如,這些光元件可以有各種不同的形狀和顏色。 因此,這些套件吸引了那些希望自己的汽車在街上脫穎而出的買家。 汽車製造商總是試圖挑戰自己,提出新的想法。 開發人員所做的一個突破性改變是為汽車製造更多的LED燈。 然而,在這些試劑盒大規模生產之前,它們必須經過適當的檢查。 行業領導者必須與使用優質 LED測量設備的 專業人員合作,以確保一切都符合政府標準。

Why the Automotive Industry Switched to LED Lights
The automotive industry is constantly changing. Manufacturers try to add exciting design features in every new model they create. One newer element that more vehicles are utilizing is LED lighting

軍事官員在戰鬥中必須擁有大量工具。 當然,政府為士兵提供武器和軍械庫。 然而,大多數人會驚訝地發現發光二極體(LED)在戰區的重要性。 本文將討論LED如何在軍隊中使用,以及為什麼值得投資。 坦克和其他車輛 軍隊中的許多人在戰區周圍駕駛坦克,以保護自己免受敵人的侵害。 近年來,油箱製造商在車輛的前燈中安裝了LED,因為它們比白熾燈泡的使用壽命更長,而且更耐用。 現代LED周圍有一個厚厚的矽屏障,供啟動器使用,因此岩石和其他碎屑不會使燈泡破裂。 他們的力量在戰區派上用場,那裡的事物總是在飛來飛去。 LED還模仿陽光,因此它們不會像傳統燈泡那樣發出淡黃色。 因此,它們非常適合需要看到遠處敵人的駕駛員。 車頭 燈 當士兵離開坦克進行徒步戰鬥時,他們經常戴著頭燈來看看他們要去哪裡。 大多數任務在夜間進行。 因此,訓練有素的專業人員必須能夠看到遠處彈出的任何東西。 這就是為什麼LED非常適合那些軍隊。 這些設備不僅比其他選項的使用壽命更長,而且LED還可以提供更清晰的圖像。 這意味著當人們最需要的時候,他們會更好地了解他們面前的東西。 由於LED在軍事中發揮著如此重要的作用,因此在任何士兵使用它們之前,對這些設備進行充分的測試至關重要。 Gamma Scientific對 LED測量系統 進行現場校準,以便政府可以放心地知道每個元件都可以安全使用。 我們的團隊瞭解LED在軍隊中的使用方式,以及為什麼這些設備在未來持續使用至關重要。

How LED Is Used in the Military
Military officials must have plenty of tools at their disposal during combat. Of course, the government provides soldiers with weapons and armory. Yet, most people would be surprised to discover

Applications of Optical Sensors
Not many people understand the important role that light plays in everyday life. For example, folks use devices called optical sensors all the time without even realizing it. These pieces