A method for determining the extents of a qualified viewing space (QVS) based on repeatable and reproducible luminance measurements of augmented and virtual reality near-eye dis-plays is described. This QVS mapping can also use other display performance metrics such as (1) Michelson contrast, (2) modulation transfer function, or (3) color as boundary condition parameters. We describe the use of a 4-mm-diameter entrance pupil, 1° to 2° field of view tele-spectroradiometer, to determine the luminance and color uniformity of the virtual image. A 1-mm-diameter entrance pupil is used to map the QVS boundaries based on luminance at the center of the virtual image. The lumi-nance measurement results from a pair of binocular augmented reality display glasses in three separate eye relief planes of the QVS of both eyes are presented. The data are further reduced to provide a perim-eter profile of the QVS for the 50% of peak luminance boundary points in each eye relief plane.